Friday, September 25, 2015


Title: The Catastrophic History of You and Me
Series: Stand Alone
Author: Jess Rothenberg
Edition: Paperback (International Edition)
Publication: April 18, 2013 by Speak
Source: Bought from National Book Store
Pages: 400
Genre: Contemporary, Suicide, Romance, Paranormal
Trailer: to follow


Brie is the “biggest, cheesiest, sappiest romantic” who believes that everyone will find their perfect someone, so when Jacob, the love of Brie's life, tells her he doesn't love her anymore, the news breaks her heart, literally, and she dies. But now that she's D&G (dead and gone), Brie revisits the living world to discover that her family has begun to unravel and her best friend has been keeping an intimate secret about her boyfriend. Somehow, Brie must handle all of this while navigating through the five steps of grief with the help of Patrick, her mysterious bomber-jacketed guide to the afterlife. But how is she supposed to face the Ever After with a broken heart and no one to call her own?
I've read this last June and I forgot most of what happened to it. That is my major issue, I need to review a book right after I closed the last page or else, I wouldn't remember it. Well, depends on the impact of the book but just like this one, I remember only selective parts of the story.

Brie died from a - legit - broken heart. Her heart split into two just after her boyfriend tells her he doesn't love her anymore. Now, her 'soul' kind of wandered around because she has to finish some business on Earth. Together with Patrick, another soul, they sort of agreed to avenge her death but then, realizations - how cliche - happened.

What I did enjoy though was the prose. I easily get attached to prose that is relatable and very conversational. Plus the humor just had me cracking so bad! Am so glad I picked this one up after contemplating for so long. I gave this 4 stars because it was an easy read and that I didn't get completely bored with the entirety of the story. Most parts are predictable though and a little too good to be true. But I liked Patrick and I was curious as to how Brie's connected to his past even though I don't remember it being explained further. There were moments when Brie irked me but I guess, dying the way she did would make me crazy and angry.

To make this short, this book ended sort of happy. Because Brie was given a chance to go back and correct all the the possible start of mistakes. That took off one star for me. Just didn't agree to that concept, I mean, what would be the use of you know, living your life at the fullest if you regret everything you didn't do. There is just no point in it for me. Also, the romance didn't quite give me the thrill I was looking for.

The Catastrophic History of You and Me is a breezy and fun read! I can recommend this to anyone who loves to mourn and laugh with their characters. Just be prepared for the feels in this one!

"Turns out, hell's not so much a burning, scalding pit of fire and misery. It's actually much, much worse than that. Hell is when the people you love the most reach right into your soul and rip it out of you. And they do it because they can."

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