Saturday, September 19, 2015


The first time I attended Manila International Book Fair was last 2012 and it was quite overwhelming, well, for a first timer. I was sick that day and so as today (coincidence?). The weather couldn't get bipolar hard enough and that killed my immune system. I went to the first AsiaPop Comicon Manila 2015 event prior here and I was seriously beat. Thankfully it was just a few minutes away for MIBF's location because if not, I would have died from walking just to get there.

Welcome to The 36th Manila International Book Fair!

I was welcomed by a lot of people and that part was amazing and dizzying at the same time. I didn't go around much because I was terribly exhausted and my head was throbbing so bad. So I went to National Bookstore's booth then it took me 15 minutes searching for what I came there for. You can tell that this event was successful because of the number of attendees. So happy to see familiar faces and eavesdrop to people babbling how much they love books.

Thank you National Bookstore for the free passes! Love you!
CTCinPH MIBF Leg was happening and I tried so hard to squeeze in myself just to wave hello to NBS peeps (thanks goodness Chad saw me!). Am so happy authors are being treated as rock stars here because as I've said in my previous post, they are legit the rock stars of lit! (You can also stalk their tweets about their experience here and I can say they're happy!) After that, I went to the cashier and was shocked to see the gorgeous tarp displays they put there! This one is my faves! So timely because I just reviewed Confess!

The lady was looking at me like I have boils on my face because I was taking photos of the cashier area instead of the booths/signing event! She's kind though and even assisted me there. I wanted to take this one home, though. (HELLO, CHAD. Am poking you! ;p ) And then I was supposed to meet up with Kai of Amaterasu Reads but damn, I couldn't go back in there anymore or I would seriously pass out so I headed home with these.

My bracelet pass from APCC and my MIBF haul for this year!
I was tempted to get The Heir because oh, that gorgeous cover. However, I was spoiled! HAHA! So I'll finish this one first and take it from there! So ready for the KCinPH book signing tomorrow!

Thank you so, SO much National Bookstore for the free passes and for hosting such wallet-killing but heart-warming events! Congrats to all publishers, artists, orgs and authors who participated this year!

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