Another late post for my monthly recaps! Go me! *wiggles head*
On a serious note, I've been getting my blogging/reading mojo back these past few weeks and am slightly proud of myself that I got to update my Goodreads account last night and post few reviews. Am even going to start 2 new features for the blog! Let's see how few are the posts I made for the past 2 months.
* June 01 - May 2014 Recap + Book of the Month!
* June 18 - 4/5 star review of Marie Rutkoski's THE WINNER'S CURSE!
* June 21 - Stacking the Shelves (50): The National Bookstore Edition!
* June 23 - Jenny Han in Manila Book Signing Recap.
* June 24 - 5/5 star review of Amy Plum's AFTER THE END!
* June 28 - Stacking the Shelves (51): The Unknown Edition!
* June 29 - 4/5 star review of Courtney C. Stevens' FAKING NORMAL!
* July 02 - Blog Tour/Guest Post for Amanda Sun's RAIN!
* July 09 - 8/5 star review of Elizabeth Fama's MONSTROUS BEAUTY!
* July 26 - Stacking the Shelves (52): The Starbucks Edition!
* July 28 - 3/5 star review of Erika Johansen's THE QUEEN OF THE TEARLING.
* July 30 - First glimpse of 1 out of 2 new features on the blog: THE FORM AFTER.
* July 30 - 3/5 star review of Stephanie Perkins' LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR!
* July 31 - June, July Monthly Recaps + Book of the Month.
Well, we will have 2 books chosen for those two months I've missed posting. And I think we have a general idea which books these are:
Totes adored and loved both of these books to bits and the feels these gave me? Unbelievable!
After the End Blurb:
After the End is truly mind numbing, heart breaking and fist clenching dystopian take. The depth of my love for this book is undeniably immeasurable. It took my breath away in a surprisingly beautiful way. The striking prose combined with the astounding mystery behind the plot, this book is worth all the praises the dictionary can ever produce. Brilliant, wonderful, magnificent.
Monstrous Beauty Blurb:
Monstrous Beauty is a story of eternal love, magic and tragedy mixed beautifully. It is one of the so many astounding novels ever written. Thrilling, mystifying and excruciating to the heart, Monstrous Beauty brings the kind of love that will haunt and torment you. This is a book that will change you forever.