Saturday, October 1, 2016


If you look at THIS list, you'd see plenty of YA books that will hit shelves this month. But I am absolutely sorry, there is just one -ONE- book I cannot wait to get. I am currently reading my ARC and ughhhhhh it is just TOO INTENSE you guys! Cannot wait to add it up to my ever growing collection!

(Can someone gift me the first UK ARC of Nevernight? And your BEA Illuminae ARC? Pretty please?)

I am currently halfway through Gemina and guyyyyyys, my heart is so ready to explode. So if I die, blame Jay Kristoff and Amie Kauffman! Here is my Illuminae review and here is the Nevernight PH Tour Intro I am hosting!

Thank you Harper Voyager UK and St. Martin's Press for the Nevernight ARCs and Penguin Random House for the Illuminae and Gemina ARCs!

What titles are you looking forward to getting this month?


  1. Gemina is my most anticipated release of this month as well! But I don't have as impressive of a collection as you do! :D

    1. Eeeeep! I still lack a lot of copies though but thank you! Hope you read Gemina soon!


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