Thursday, December 1, 2016


Hi, guys! We have reached the last leg of 2016! Happy Holidays! Seriously, I cannot wait to get this year over with because I know it, I just know, 2017 will rock! My 2017 will still be all about books but I am going to add travels and -- most importantly -- clothes lol because my wardrobe needs a major overhaul! What are your plans for next year? I'm pretty sure you have a ton! Thankfully, planning is easy with the help of my Bullet Journal. This is one thing I've been consistent on lately and I hope it'll be up until the next few years. Journaling has been so therapeutic and it makes me feel accomplished.. somehow.

I didn't set up a To-Be-Read stack this month because it just won't work for me no matter how hard I try. Setting up monthly TBRs just makes me feel worked up so I started re-reading some favorites (Shadow and Bone is book 1 for the month). My For-Review shelf is overflowing but I just can't find it in my heart to prioritize them (I always end up DNF-ing) and I also don't have new release picks.

December is going to be easy-flowing blog wise but quiet on Twitter - there's just too much in there! I'll focus on reading this month and I am absolutely excited!

My bujo!


  1. I knew there's a reason why you've gone quiet in the blogosphere, and I admire how you're REALLY practicing your bujo skills, Kate! I love all your works and I honestly can't wait for more! Can't wait to see you again soon! :D


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