Monday, May 15, 2017


Title: Rules Of Non-Attraction
Author: Andrea Soto-Pionilla
Series: Standalone
Edition: Paperback
Publication: February 2017 by Spark Books
Source: Bought from National Bookstore
Pages: 80
Genre: Romance, New Adult

It wasn’t love at first sight. It wasn’t even lust at first, or second, or third. Alexa and Ivan are just friends—roommates, at that. For him, she’s a scheming, social-climbing she-devil. For her, he’s a stiff, boring know-it-all. Should be fun, right?

Of course, things don’t ever go as planned.

Quitting the high-paying dream job, squandering rent money, and getting unceremoniously dumped pale in comparison to the bigger problem of falling in love with the most unexpected person.


Social climbers are old news. You can easily spot them in action every day, everywhere. I don't mind though. So when I read Rules of Non-Attraction and it highlighted how Alexa do it, I couldn't help of course, think about those people who try so hard to live a life they couldn't afford. It was so risky but impressive if I may say.

Alexa's personality is strong, loud and she's brutally straight to the point. She says literally what she thinks and it comes off as a problem, in my opinion. There's nothing wrong with sticking to the truth but calling people names and hating people for how the look are things that are just simply wrong in so many levels. I cannot justify her hurtful words with her immature/bitchy personality because hurtful words are hurtful words, period. The synopsis says "scheming, social-climbing she-devil" as a head's up for readers but I cannot and will not approve of her attitude. I know there's a possibility of character redemption if given the right amount of time to develop but right now, that knocked off two stars from my rating.

The story is a little bit predictable due the tropes but I felt like it was executed amazingly. The writing style is smooth and believe me when I say this, it was such a huge relief that I didn't see any typos at all! Alexa was so in denial about her feelings from page 1 but the romance was given ample time to mature. As I have said above, her character is redeemable but in this short story, I didn't appreciate how she treated Ive. It felt abusive to me. There's this thin line between a character whose personality is strong and an abusive one and Alexa definitely is the latter.

A romance that is admirable with a redeemable character, Rules of Non-Attaction is an enjoyable and swoony read that is worth your moment.

"But Alexa flet her pulse slow and her head begin to clear. She slowly felt the courage she had been praying so hard for fill her body. It spread through her torso and settled in her chest.
Past that, she detected something else she didn't completely recodnize. It was wild and fiery, but happy. It overpowered the nagging doubts and anxious questions scratching at her heart. It was wonderful.
And that was the bright neon sign saying that it was the time to get carried away.
"It's more like... more like I love you," Alexa said quietly."

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