Monday, August 1, 2016


Hello, hello! Happy August to all! I'm so excited to start this month because you know, new beginnings and shit but yeah, am thrilled to start off wrecking my new Bullet Journal and that I want to make it up to the blog! I have everything scheduled so I hope I'd get to stick to the plan. Also, the books I am absolutely looking forward to reading are releasing this month so !!!!! eeeep! SO MUCH !!!!

What titles are you looking forward to getting this month?


  1. Your last row are my anticipated August reads! The Thousandth Floor has intrigued me ever since I heard about it a couple months back. Colleen Hoover is one of my favorite authors, so I have high expectations for It Ends With Us! I've only heard amazing things yet. I haven't read anything by Jay Kristoff except Illuminae, so I hope I like Nevernight! I don't really know what it is about, but I keep seeing rave reviews! Great picks Kate! :D

    1. I have the last 3 rows I cannot wait to read them! Well, I have read It Ends with Us and currently reading NeverNight!

  2. It Ends with Us yes! I'm having it as my next read, can't wait <3


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